HEA Committees
An important indicator of a strong union is an engaged and active membership. Committees of various kinds are important to the health of our union in many ways. You can click on the sidebar categories or the links below to see descriptions of the various committees and a list of the HEA members currently serving on them. If you are interested in being more involved in union work and participating in a committee, please contact Sandy Hunt, HEA President.
HEA Committees are critical to advancing the voice, power, and professional advocacy of our members. These include:
- HEA Bargaining Team
- HEA Bargaining Support Team
- HEA Membership Committee
- HEA Community Coalitions Committee
- HEA Elections Committee
- HEA WEA PAC/Political Action Committee
- HEA Governing Documents Review Committee
HEA-HSD Joint Committees are established through the bargaining process and meet several times each year to monitor and discuss aspects of our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). These groups frequently make recommendations to the Joint HEA-HSD Bargaining Teams and/or the HSD Board of Directors:
- HEA-HSD Highline Equity and Anti-Racist Team (H.E.A.R.T)
- HEA-HSD Dual Language Leadership Team
- HEA-HSD Dual Language Study Committee (Secondary)
- HEA-HSD Kindergarten Assessment Work Group (WaKIDS Committee)
- HEA-HSD Joint Evaluation Team (JET)
- HEA-HSD Special Education Committee
- HEA-HSD Joint Inclusive Services Team (JIST)
- HEA-HSD Joint Assessment Team (HAT)
- HEA-HSD Student Behavior Support Team (SBST)
In addition, the HEA-HSD CBA mandates HEA member involvement in the adoption of curricula and other instructional materials. Therefore, HEA representation is needed on the following HSD Committees:
- Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) - mandated by law
- Curriculum Adoption Committees - short-term committees, dependent upon curricula under review
Other Committees take various forms but are also critical to ensuring HEA member voice in District decisions and to strengthen HEA connections within our membership and with our families and community. Examples include:
- HSD Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC)
- HSD World Language Advisory Committee
- Highline Schools Foundation
- Martin Luther King County Labor Council
- Highline Arts Coalition (open to families and community members, as well as HEA members)
- HSD Safety Committee