HEA-HSD Joint Communications
Professional Responsibility & Time - This joint communication helps explain what time and responsibilities are covered by Base Salary, Professional Learning & Enrichment (PLE), and Flex in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). It includes examples of common tasks and how each is compensated/addressed by these CBA provisions.
Conflict Resolution Protocol - This jointly-crafted flowchart is intended to help HEA members and administrators work through problems at the lowest level possible, and know who to reach out to for support if they are not able to resolve a contractual or interpersonal concern at their worksite.
Assault Response Protocol - This jointly-crafted flowchart outlines the steps an administrator should take in the event a staff member is assaulted by a student. There is one track focused on supporting the staff member and another focused on supporting the student and ensuring the resources necessary to help the student be successful upon return to class.
NEW! Joint Memo- Sick Leave & Personal Leave Reminders for 2023-24 - As we approach the 2023-24 school year, here are some of the changes to Sick Leave and Personal Leave that were negotiated in the last contract cycle. Some of these changes may impact how you use Personal Leave, especially in the 2023-24 school year. Also listed are some examples of "appropriate use" for Sick Leave as opposed to Personal Leave. Use of leave for wellness are also addressed.